Excerpts from Cloud Series

0046a1998_1313.jpgA few images from a series I was working on in the fall of 2007 in Chiang Mai. One of a couple projects inspired by many hours spent out on my balcony on beautiful bright moonlit nights. It was during this period that, for the first time in my life, I found myself taking note of the cycle and movement of the moon. The moon’s pace provided perspective to the sometimes hectic speed of day-to-day life, and given my impending return to the US, a reminder as to the steady march of time.

I just rediscovered these images while preparing for a show in April. Printed as squares, and framed without mats, the images take on an almost modular quality, becoming interchangeable and rearrangeable, losing the very notion of time passing that originally drove me to create them in the first place.



One Response to “Excerpts from Cloud Series”

  1. Nick,

    I like these. Part of me wants to see some of a landscape within the shot too. It will give a destination to the photograph. Otherwise the image is awesome.