Archive for the ‘Japan’ Category

Japan=Best country for amazing deer-related signage

Tuesday, August 7th, 2007

There is lots to say about The Land of the Rising Sun, but first and foremost it must, as a country have the absolute best signage of anywhere in the world. Japanese people love maps, and it is because of this that I love Japanese people. Coming directly from a place where Navigating is based entirely on imaginary numbering systems and streets with no names, where the only people who are consistantly successful in finding there way are those people who have lived there their whole lives(and thus somewhat remiscent of Boston), and faced with the prospect of navigating a giant Asian metropolis, I was so relieved to find that the Japanese, as a people, respect the cardinal directions and are as cartographilic as I am(Also a word, why do you keep doubting me? Its not like I’m making words up).

We took a trip to Nara, a small town near Kyoto, which has a whole bunch of deer roaming around, that are inexplicably tame, unless that is, you fall into the tourist trap of buying a package of special deer crackers, in which case you can find yourself, or your small child, at the center of some frantic, cracker-addict deer. Such a power phenomenon is this, that the default behavior of a person having recently purchased said crackers, is having the hands above their heads, and quickly shuffling backwards, being held up at horn-point. After that, its only a matter of time before the packet is tossed a fair distance away, as the purchasor makes a get-away, and after a few short moments the deer, thier fiending for crackers sated, lie down on the grass to wait for thier next score.

As a result, Nara can brag about having the highest concentration of undecipherable deer-related signage on the planet. Here’s a smattering. Any assistance in deciphering/taboo-esque translations, are encouraged.

Check out the signs section for other great signs from Japan, and all over.